Partner Marketing Activities 2023

Co-Marketing Options
Hey Spryker Partner, in this catalog you’ll find an overview of all possible Partner Marketing activities with Spryker - from Social Media Posts to mutual event organization. This explains options and workflows around each individual activity to make our partnership successful. We’re looking forward to working with you! – Your Spryker Partner Marketing Team

Partnership Announcement Activities

Partner Website Profile

Based on your input we’ll create a website profile on for you. Therefore we ask you to send us your input and logo. 

Please also include Spryker on your website as a partner and please let us know how we can support the creation of our profile.

Spryker Partner Profile Overview

Social Media Welcome Post

We’d like to make some noise around our new partnership on social media with a “Welcome to the herd” post. We’ll share with you the exact date approximately one week in advance. If you want to create your own post – great! Let’s try to synchronize the date to amplify your message. If you prefer to share and re-post ours, we’re perfectly fine with that too. 

We’ll inform our Account Executive and customer-facing Teams as soon as we published the post so they can support. 

Please also make some noise internally so that your team and other colleagues can like, share or comment on the post! 


Announcement Press Release

Mutual PR is a great way to create some awareness surrounding our new partnership. If you have a process in place for this we’re happy to support with a quote and also share it with our press contacts. Just let us know if you'd like to announce the partnership via PR and we'll involve our internal experts to support the process.

In some cases we have the opportunity to create a dedicated press release ourselves. We will then share a dedicated content template to create the press release with you.

Let’s discuss this in our first marketing meeting!


Co-Marketing Opportunities

Awareness Activities

Social Media

Corporate Social Media Mentions 

Spryker will mention partners in industry and product focused social posts, on the following channels:

How you could support

  • Provide bulletpoints how and where you want to be mentioned 
  • Provide a list of pages/profiles to tag
  • Engage with the posts that mention you 
  • Follow Spryker and Boris, and click the bell icon to get post notifications

Thought Leadership Social Media Mentions 

Mentioning our partner's thought leaders in the copy or comment section of our posts, we aim to connect partner and Spryker thought leaders with each other. This enables them to start/join relevant conversations and impact each other's reach by tagging, commenting and reposting. 

How you could support

  • Provide a list of thought leaders and their focus topics
  • Make thought leaders aware that they will be mentioned where it makes sense in Spryker social posts 
  • Encourage them to engage 
Example (see comments)

Goals & Benefits

  • Putting partners in the spotlight of Spryker's storytelling
  • Supporting each other to reach a broader audience organically
  • Strengthen each other's thought leadership positioning, grow reach and social proof

Guest Blogging

Spryker integrates blog posts written by partners on our Spryker blog. Blog posts are there to raise awareness and can also be used as a teaser for a webinar, white paper release, case study, and upcoming events. We'll also provide a dedicated Hubspot page which will be shared with the partner and can be used for tracking purposes. 


Total estimated time to release:

3-4 weeks
Mutual identification of topic for guest blog
1 meeting
Spryker provides Q&A as framework for the content
1 week
Partner generates content based on provided Q&A document
1-2 weeks
Spryker reviews content, feedback loops with partner
1 week
Generating HubSpot page + release blog post
1 week

Goals & Benefits

  • Increased visibility and exposure of your brand to a wider audience
  • Build trust with their audience and increase credibility with potential customers
  • Improve search engine rankings by generating backlinks to own website
  • Drive traffic to website by attracting visitors who are interested in the content


In our new podcast Composable Commerce Leaders our CEO and co-founder Boris Lokschin interviews industry thought leaders, founders, and senior executives. One goal is to highlight the different capabilities and pieces of a truly composable enterprise. This is an amazing chance for you to position yourself with Spryker as global leaders in Composable Commerce and highlight its benefits. Each episode is approximately 20 minutes long, with the possibility of recording in-person at one of our events, or virtually on Zoom. 

New episodes are released every second Thursday.

Composable Commerce Leader Podcast
Spryker's promotion channels
  • Uploaded to Composable Commerce Leader's landing page
  • Shared on Apple podcasts and Spotify
  • Promoted on Boris Lokschin's LinkedIn page

Total estimated time to release:

2-3 weeks preparation, release based on Spryker-owned timings
Partner identifies speaker and Spryker coordinates recording session
1-2 weeks
Podcast recording on-site at an event or virtual via Riverside tool
coordinated recording session
Spryker creates audio file and content overview + uploads and distributes file
2 weeks
Go-live based on discussed timings. Partners can pre-listen to their episode
Go-live timing coordinated by Spryker
Mutual promotion of the podcast
1-2 weeks after episode launch

Goals & Benefits

  • Podcasts can help to increase your visibility and exposure to a wider audience
  • By sharing your expertise and insights on a partner's podcast, you can help establish yourself as a credible and authoritative source of information within the industry
  • The content you create for the podcast can be repurposed into other forms, such as blog posts, social media updates and videos. This helps extend the reach of your message and further increase your visibility.

Lead Gen Activities

Thought Leadership Asset - Expert Voices

Initiative #1

Expert Voices is a high-authority thought leadership digital asset created to highlight Spryker’s Composable Commerce as a strategically important topic for our core industries. This content will be created as a collection of expert statements and opinions on a specific topic provided by industry experts within our Partner network.

Spryker will consolidate all partner statements into a final asset and will take care of the design. We will not share the leads but position the partner as experts for the subject matter and actively promote their names and brands to our database and through all our marketing channels. Partners can use their own individual HubSpot version of the content for lead generation. 

Example: "Composable Commerce"

Spryker's promotion channels
  • Organic social: several posts per asset on corporate account as well as employee advocacy posts
  • Paid social: targeting specifically our target accounts in the respective industries
  • Email cadence to relevant existing database
  • Outbound cadences for BDRs and AEs
  • Prominent position on industry pages on our website

Goals & Benefits

  • Our ultimate goal is to provide value while increasing visibility and awareness among our target ICP. Each Partner can use the final content pieces for their own marketing promotion.
  • The assets will be created in Hubspot and shared with the readers via a link (not PDF). This has several benefits for Spryker, the Partners, and the readers: Responsive design, extended analytics options, versionless and easy to maintain etc.

Total estimated time to release:

4-6 weeks content creation + unlimited promotion phase
Spryker to provide briefing and Q&A for thought leadership asset
See below for current collection
Partner to choose topic and generate content
max. 3 weeks
Spryker reviews content and adapts content
max. 2 weeks
Spryker shares individual partner Hubspot asset with partner + social media banner
1-2 weeks
Promotion phase and regular mutual follow-up meetings

Thought Leadership Asset - Industry Playbook Contribution

Initiative #2

An Industry Playbook is a large, comprehensive written asset created by Spryker to be used as a cornerstone piece of content for raising awareness and capturing leads. Spryker is actively pushing and advertising these content assets. Our focus industries are Automotive, CPG, Industrial Goods, and Wholesale & Distribution. Partners should focus on only one of these industries for their contributions. 



Goals & Benefits

  • As a cornerstone content, Spryker will put a large amount of effort and resources into advertising and distributing this content, leading to great exposure for the partner
  • Easy way to piggy-back on Spryker’s marketing efforts, as it will also raise the partner’s profile within the industry
  • An opportunity to further position thought leadership in the market

Total estimated time to release:

4-6 weeks content creation + unlimited promotion phase

Ways to contribute:

Providing written content

Bullet points or paragraphs as answers to a Q&A:
  • 3 slots per industry playbook for a max 500-word contribution where at least 50% is industry-relevant information
  • 2 slots per industry for a 250-word contribution, answering 1 x industry-specific question, and 1 x company-specific question
  • null

Providing recorded content

Via a (Zoom) call:
  • (Zoom) Call can be recorded and transferred into written content by Spryker
  • (Zoom) Call can be recorded and edited into a video
  • We have 1x slot for a video per industry playbook


Spryker is happy to integrate partners as a guest speaker into a Spryker Webinar.

Important: We’re aiming for expert insights, no advertising! The webinar series are deployed using OnAir. 

Spryker OnAir Landing Page


Goals & Benefits

  • Attract a large and engaged audience by partnering with another business to increase your visibility and exposure
  • Gain access to their existing customers and leads, which can expand your reach and generate new business opportunities
  • Leverage webinars as an effective lead generation tool. Partnering with another business enables you to generate more leads and opportunities than you would on your own
  • Benefit from our existing and established webinar series OnAir and repurpose the content into other forms

Total estimated time to release:

6 weeks
Joint kickoff with Spryker organizers and speakers to align on date, time, webinar content
1 meeting
Spryker to provide promotion material and landing page
2 weeks
Joint promotion activities leading up to the webinar, regular cadence to prepare the content
Up to 6 weeks before the webinar
Dry run (tech+content) with Spryker and Partner speakers and webinar host
1-2 weeks before the webinar
After the webinar Spryker to provide results and on-demand material for Partner to use
1 week after the webinar


Customer Stories

Option 1: Customer Showcase

A short version of a case study, mainly applicable when either the customer is early in their journey or is not willing to share a lot. Potential narratives can be a first go-live, a certain use case, etc. The goal would be a piece of content that all parties can use.


Option 2: Written Customer Story 

A case study that mainly covers the following about the common customer:

  • profile of the customer
  • challenge / problem / state prior to change
  • solution that addressed those challenges
  • results (ideally with numerical indicators)


How to proceed?
  • If you intend to write a case study about a mutual customer please reach out to your respective partner (marketing) manager
  • Spryker's Customer/Content Marketing team will provide additional content and finalizing it.

Option 3: Customer Video 

If we have the chance to record a short video on a mutual customer case this can be the byproduct of the preparation for the Showcase Article or Case Study which could be promoted separately.

How to proceed?
  • We often use bigger events where both partners and the customer are present to schedule short interview slots with all parties involved
  • Alternatively we can collect pre-recorded snippets and create a co-branded video

Goals & Benefits

  • By highlighting the specific results and outcomes that you achieved through our collaboration, you demonstrate the value you bring to your customers and showcase your capabilities as a business
  • Provide real-world examples of successful collaborations with partners to build trust and confidence in your ability to deliver results
  • Attract potential customers and partners who are looking for solutions to similar challenges


General Event Information

Our event strategy for 2023

What is our messaging?

Vision Statement: Compose Outcomes Beyond Technology
  • We want to move away from promoting the technology to promoting the value it brings.
  • With us, you're buying more than tech, you're in for a whole ecosystem to help future proof your business.

Who are we talking to?

Target Audience
  • Decision makers from focus industries
  • Focus industries include: Automotive, B2B Manufacturing / Industrial Goods, (B2B) CPG, Wholesale & Distribution
  • Target accounts primarily

What do we know about our target audience

Challenges & Opportunities
  • Our ICP's main challenge is the complexity of product offerings and current multi-stage distribution models.
  • They need automated internal processes, while consumers have to deal with an overwhelming amount of products and services.

How do we want to do it?

General event strategy
  • Run smaller and more intimate events attached to large conferences and industry trade shows
  • Concentrate on target industries & accounts, with an ABM approach
  • Provide exclusive, engaging and memorable experiences with lots of networking opportunities

Event Overview

Find and overview of all planned trade shows, conferences and potential side events here Event Overview H2

Side Event Concept

An educational and engaging way to communicate Composable Commerce to our ICP through a more intimate concept:

Small and exclusive events with up to 15 attendees
100 % owned by Spryker & Partner
Better aligned with our ICP (countries & industries)
Event in a box concept with a local and partner angle
Around trade shows/industries, ICP high volume, partners HQ & customers
Cost effective: split costs between all parties
Capture evergreen audio/ visual content for further promotion activities

Estimated costs per roadshow is 3-7K Euro

Upcoming Co-exhibition & Side Event Options

Side Events possible for all trade shows

About Spryker

Spryker is the leading global composable commerce platform for enterprises with sophisticated business models to enable growth, innovation, and differentiation. Designed specifically for sophisticated transactional businesses, Spryker’s easy-to-use, headless, API-first model offers a best-of-breed approach that provides businesses the flexibility to adapt, scale, and quickly go to market while facilitating faster time-to-value throughout their digital transformation journey. As a global platform leader for B2B and B2C Enterprise Marketplaces, IoT Commerce, and Unified Commerce, Spryker has empowered 150+ global enterprise customers worldwide and is trusted by brands such as ALDI, Siemens, ZF Friedrichshafen, and Ricoh. Spryker is a privately held technology company headquartered in Berlin and New York backed by world class investors such as TCV, One Peak, Project A, Cherry Ventures, and Maverick Capital. Learn more at

Spryker Website